Councillors call for new campaign to promote Welsh-medium education

A promotion campaign to explain the virtues of Welsh medium education is needed according to councillors.

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By Elgan Hearn
Local Democracy Reporter

A promotion campaign to explain the virtues of Welsh medium education is needed according to councillors.

This is due to changes that are expected to be made to the designation of Bro Caereinion all through school from dual stream to Welsh medium – so that parents and the wider community support the move.

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Last week it was revealed that Powys County Council want to to move Ysgol Bro Caereinion in Llanfair Caereinion further along the “language continuum” and for it to become a Welsh-medium school.

Members of Powys County Council’s Learning and Skills scrutiny committee looked at the issues at a meeting on Wednesday, September 20.

Independent county councillor for Llanfair Caereinion and Bro Caereinion school governor, Cllr Gareth D Jones said:

“Has any consideration being given for an awareness campaign to demonstrate the benefits of bilingual education to parents.

“Is there any possibility of getting a campaign off the ground where previous pupils from the county show how the Welsh language has benefited them and their careers and is something they would recommend to everyone in Powys.”

Education portfolio holder Liberal Democrat, Cllr Peter Roberts said: “I have asked officers to come up with an engagement and activity plan around the Urdd Eisteddfod to promote the benefits of Welsh medium education.”

The Urdd Eisteddfod is probably the largest youth festival in Europe will take place at Meifod at the end of May and early June next year. Cllr Roberts said he wanted to take “advantage of that” when it takes place.

Cllr Roberts said: “As this moves forward there will need to be specific targeted events in the catchment to help parents understand the opportunities that are available not just for their children but for them as well.”

Plaid Cymru’s Cllr Bryn Davies believes that a changing the way of describing Welsh medium education is also needed.

Cllr Davies said: “We need to stop using terms Welsh medium and English medium as if they are equivalent things.

“People think you come out talking Welsh from one and English from the other.

“It’s not like that at all.”

“Bilingual outcome education means their English is as good as anyone else’s and their confidence is just as high.”

Director of corporate services, Emma Palmer explained that on the council’s website there is a “Destination Bilingual” page. Ms Palmer said:

“We have a lot of material already available.”

“What we can do is give a commitment to promote and run that campaign again on our social media sites and make sure it’s available for the schools and parents.”

For more details on Destination Bilingual visit: 

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