Councillors support 24hr delivery at supermarket
Town councillors have backed plans for a popular supermarket to have unrestricted deliveries at its store in Newtown.
8 months ago 1 minute read 2,444 views
Town councillors have backed plans for a popular supermarket to have unrestricted deliveries at its store in Newtown.
Tesco has applied to Powys County Council to remove the a condition of their planning permission which seeks to restrict deliveries between certain hours.
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Currently, there are specific delivery time restrictions in place, limiting deliveries to the hours between 5am and 11pm. The application submitted by Tesco aims to vary condition 8 of planning permission 23/0400/REM to permanently allow unrestricted deliveries, including deliveries between the hours of 11:00pm and 5:00am.
This move is intended to enhance operational efficiency and ensure timely restocking of shelves for the convenience of customers.
Town councillors recently considered the application with the lead town councillor for the application, Cllr Tracy Owen, stating:
"They've had no noise complaints and it's not a particularly residential heavy area at all there.
"The report [they have produced] is particularly comphrensive and sets out noise reduction methods that they will be asked to follow, such as switching off engines, no idling, no radios, that sort of thing."
"I would suggest that we do support this application."
Following a vote, town councillors supported the plans.
The Town Council is a statutory consultee and submits comments to Powys County Council's Planning Department and does not make the final decision. The final decision will be made by Powys County Council at either their Planning Committee or delegated to officers.
The application can be viewed online here and using reference '24/0821/REM'. Comments can be submitted via the Planning Portal.
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