Councillors to discuss cost of living discretionary fund
Councillors are set to scrutinise a new fund setup by Powys County Council to help those over the cost of living crisis
2 years ago Less than a minute read 1,872 viewsCouncillors are set to scrutinise a new fund setup by Powys County Council to help those over the cost of living crisis.
Next week Councillors as part of the Economy, Residents and Communities Scrutiny Committee are set to scrutinise a new proposed Discretionary Cost of Living Support Scheme established by the County Council.
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The scheme, which has been paid for by nearly £1m of Welsh Government money seeks to provide further support due to the rising cost of living.
The scheme aims to deliver certain projects, such as £150 to families of children on Free School Meals who do not receive council tax reduction at a cost of £22,500 and £150 to residents who live in homes that have off grid fuel supply at a cost of £150,000.
The report explains that £250,000 may also be spent installing photo voltaic panels and where needed battery backup systems too, to 50 homes where the Council have already undertaken some energy efficiency work.
It is also planned to give £5k to all 11 foodbanks in Powys and £1k to all 66 school breakfast clubs.
The Committee will scrutinise the paper before it goes to Cabinet for final sign off.
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