D-Day celebration event in full swing
Town Councillors have heard that preparations for the upcoming D-Day celebration event are progressing well.
8 months ago Less than a minute read 1,604 viewsTown Councillors have heard that preparations for the upcoming D-Day celebration event are progressing well.
The event, which is hosted by the Town Council to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings is taking place on the 7th June at 6pm in the Town Hall Grounds.
D-Day 80th Anniversary
This event starts at 07/06/2024 06:00pm and is being held at Dolerw Park. Tickets free. Click here for more information.
In a recent update to councillors at the last Economy & Environment Committee meeting, council officers confirmed that a "variety of acts" are confirmed, along with main infrastructure booked.
Local schools have also been contacted to see if they would like to take part in the event.
Councillors also heard that the Newtown Town Partnership is currently reaching out to local hospitality providers to join in with offering fish and chips as part of the event.
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