Can you help find rough sleepers?
Residents in Powys are being asked to help the council find anyone that may be sleeping rough in the county so that help and support can be provided.
2 months ago Less than a minute read 970 viewsResidents in Powys are being asked to help the council find anyone that may be sleeping rough in the county so that help and support can be provided.
Members of the public can let Powys County Council know about rough sleeping they come across by contacting its Housing Service on 01597 827464 or by emailing
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Cllr Matthew Dorrance, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for a Fairer Powys, said:
"With the weather turning colder, we're asking residents to be on the lookout for anyone who is rough sleeping in the county.
"Whilst rough sleeping is the severest form of homelessness and must be avoided whenever possible, it is particularly important to pick up on when the weather is colder.
"Each time we know about a rough sleeper we will investigate and look to work with the individual to resolve their homelessness, including whenever possible, sourcing temporary accommodation."
For those who feel their housing may be at risk, or to report an instance of rough sleeping contact the council's Housing Service on 01597 827464 or email
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