Newtown based PRU requires 'significant improvement'
A recent Estyn inspection at the Powys Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), which operates sites in Newtown and Brecon, has identified several critical areas for improvement.
5 months ago 2 minutes read 4,492 viewsPhoto: Newtown PRU based at the Old College building (Credit: Google Street View)
A recent Estyn inspection at the Powys Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), which operates sites in Newtown and Brecon, has identified several critical areas for improvement.
The PRU, catering to 33 pupils aged 7 to 16 with various social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties, has been marked as needing 'significant improvement' under the Education Act 2005.
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The inspection report notes that many pupils make appropriate progress from their initial starting points, with strong development in social and communication skills, reading, writing, and mathematical abilities.
"Many pupils join the PRU following periods of disruption to their education," Estyn observed, highlighting that "many pupils settle in well, build constructive and trusting relationships with their staff and peers and engage well with their learning." Despite these positives, attendance issues are hampering the progress of a minority of pupils.
According to Estyn, Teaching at the PRU is considered strong, with staff creating a calm learning environment and managing pupil behavior effectively. The curriculum is described as broad and balanced, offering a range of qualification pathways for older pupils.
However, the integration of vocational courses remains limited and inconsistent. Estyn also pointed out that while the PRU offers opportunities for pupils to understand their ‘cynefin,’ the development of the Welsh language and systematic tracking of pupil progress are underdeveloped.
Leadership inconsistencies and a lack of strategic vision from the local authority are significant concerns according to Estyn. The Newtown site, in particular, has experienced considerable changes in its senior leadership team, affecting the site's ability to plan for improvement and support staff effectively. "The local authority does not have a clear strategic vision or improvement plan for the PRU," stated the report.
Estyn has made several recommendations, including:
- Establishing a strategic vision for the PRU with the local authority.
- Stabilizing and clarifying leadership roles.
- Enhancing quality assurance, self-evaluation, and improvement planning.
- Improving attendance rates.
Estyn will monitor the PRU's progress about 12 months after the publication of the report. An action plan will be developed by the PRU to address these recommendations and ensure the necessary improvements are made.
A spokesperson for Powys County Council said:
“We full recognise Estyn’s description of the Pupil Referral Unit and their recommendations. Although Estyn have identified positives at the Pupil Referral Unit, there are areas that need to be strengthened.
“Work has begun on drawing up an action plan and officers within the council’s Education Service are working at pace to address the recommendations to secure the necessary improvements to ensure pupils have the best education possible whilst at the Pupil Referral Unit.”
The PRU has had a rocky time of late. Earlier in the year it was revealed that the Headteacher was accused of misusing taxpayers' money for personal gain, with the Headteacher leaving his position. As we reported two months ago, no decision on the possible closure of the PRU in Newtown has been made, despite savings proposals of £600,000 indicating it might be.
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