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Mayor pays tribute as term comes to an end

Mayor of Newtown & Llanllwchaiarn, Cllr John Byrne, has paid tribute to Newtown in his retiring statement, as his term of office ends next week.

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Mayor of Newtown & Llanllwchaiarn, Cllr John Byrne, has paid tribute to Newtown in his retiring statement, as his term of office ends next week.

Cllr Byrne, who was elected in May 2022 has served as Mayor for two one-year terms, and in line with convention will now step down from the role and not seek a third term.

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In his retiring statement, which he will read out next week at the Town Council's Annual Meeting, he pays tribute to fellow councillors and council staff for their collaborative efforts to deliver on the commitments made to citizens.

His tenure has been marked with big events such as the proclamation of the new King following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. His retiring statement reads:

"Firstly, I would like to thank Councillors for their support by electing me to be your Chair and Town Mayor for the past two terms."

"It has been both an honour and a privilege to serve as Mayor for the past two terms, and I have particularly and greatly appreciated the collaborative working between Councillors and Officers alike to deliver on the commitments made to the citizens of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn. "

"I have had an eventful time as Mayor starting with a Platinum Jubilee followed by the passing of the late HM The Queen Elizabeth II and having to deliver a local ‘Proclamation of the New Monarch’ HM King Charles III. "

"Over the two year I have had the pleasure of meeting so many people from so many organisations by attending or being asked to start or open events. "

"This Town has been part of so much, working in collaboration and partnership on many events such as Newtown Food Festival, Kicking Off Christmas along with Kindness Events to name a few. "

"The most recent Event has been the Celebration of Newtown, recognising the great work done in and around the Newtown area by all sectors within the community. The Council continues to enable community projects and gives the opportunity to apply for grant funding to support these projects in our community. "

"I have been fortunate enough to see the appointment of two new Honorary Freemen – and both very well deserved."

"I could go on and on about how as a Town Council we have achieved so much and will continue to be progressive by continuing to work in partnership and collaboration with others for the benefit of the Town and its residents.  I am strongly of the view that we can do so much more together than we can as individuals and in doing so we also build consensus and common ground. "

"I would again like to thank everyone who has supported me while in the position of Chair and Town Mayor. I would like to give my full support to the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor in their new roles as we continue to look forward focusing on what we as a council deliver for the citizens of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn. "

"I also have the Privilege of being one of the Mayors as the Town Council celebrates its 50th anniversary this year since the inception of Newtown & Llanllwchaiarn Town Council which traces back to the restructuring of local government in 1974, a transformative period driven by the Local Government Act 1972. "


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