New cuddly recruits join fire service

The Newtown crew have recently welcomed some new recruits - a collection of handmade teddy bears!

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The Newtown crew have recently welcomed some new recruits - a collection of handmade teddy bears!

The crew at Newtown Fire Station have recently received a collection of teddy bears - known as Trauma Teddies - kindly donated them by the local Newtown ‘Knit and Natter’ group - and all to be given to children involved in incidents the crew attends.

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The Newtown Knit and Natter group have been busy making 80 colourful bears and dolls, each one with its own unique character. The purpose of the teddies is for them to be given to children involved in incidents, who may find the experience overwhelming and frightening.

They will be kept on the fire engines and distributed to children involved in incidents attended as and when they’re required. The incidents the crew attends are so varied and can often be overwhelming for everyone involved as there is a lot happening very quickly.

Incidents often occur unexpectedly and are unfamiliar experiences, the teddies distributed by the crews will hopefully bring some comfort to children involved and alleviate any distress when possible.

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