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Local dog must be muzzled or put down after biting a child

A Newtown resident's dog must be kept muzzled or it will be put down after it bit a three-year-old girl.

1 year ago   1 minute read   1,532 views

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A Newtown resident's dog must be kept muzzled or it will be put down after it bit a three-year-old girl.

The owner, Ernie Michael John Jesty, pleaded guilty to being an owner of a dog that was dangerously out of control and caused injury when he appeared before Welshpool Magistrates' Court last Tuesday (7th March 2023).

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The court heard that Jesty's German Shepherd had bitten the child, causing a puncture wound, and had taken a baby's bottle from a pushchair on August 9, 2022. Jesty had been unable to control the dog during the incident.

Prosecutor Helen Tench said the attack occurred on the Canal Road footpath when the dog approached the mother, her dog and her children. Despite the owner calling the dog back, it kept returning, knocking the daughter off her feet, and then bit her, causing a puncture wound. Jesty had denied punching and kicking the dog, but the mother of the child reported seeing this to the RSPCA. Jesty said he "deeply regrets" the incident.

Jesty's defence solicitor, Paul Inns, said Jesty accepted the dog had knocked the child over but claimed he had not seen the bite. He also disputed punching or kicking the dog and spitting at the mother. Inns said Jesty had taken hold of the dog to discipline it and that the dog had been muzzled in public since the incident.

Magistrates issued a destruction order for the dog but made it contingent on Jesty keeping the dog muzzled and on a lead at all times while outside the house. Jesty was fined £133 with a £93 surcharge and £85 costs, plus £100 compensation.

This article first appeared on the Powys County Times here and has been re-written for publication.

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