Welsh Government to consider rent controls
The Welsh Government is currently exploring the possibility of implementing restrictions on rent charges imposed by private landlords.
1 year ago 1 minute read 1,662 views
The Welsh Government is currently exploring the possibility of implementing restrictions on rent charges imposed by private landlords.
While there are no concrete plans yet, officials are seeking input from the public and landlords on various ideas, including price ceilings and freezes. This initiative comes in response to a continuous rise in rents, with recent figures showing the highest annual percentage increase since at least 2010.
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Landlords have expressed concerns that rent controls would have detrimental effects, describing them as a "disaster." However, a tenants' group argues that such controls would represent the minimum action the government could take. Although rent controls already exist in the social housing sector, there hasn't been any legislation regulating rent increases for homes rented from private landlords in Wales for several decades.
Scotland has implemented rent controls, capping increases for existing tenants at 3%. In Wales, the government is seeking public feedback on this matter as part of a broader "green paper" on housing, aiming to provide assistance to both landlords and tenants.
A separate consultation is scheduled for next year to discuss potential new legislation, in accordance with the Welsh government's co-operation deal with Plaid Cymru. However, no firm timeline has been established for the enactment of any legislation, and the Welsh government has yet to state its position on rent regulation.
The consultation ends on the 15th September 2023. You can give your views here: https://www.gov.wales/securing-path-towards-adequate-housing-including-fair-rents-and-affordability
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