Why are planning meetings being cancelled?
Powys councillors concerned at cancelled planning meetings which are doing a 'disservice' to applicants.
2 years ago 1 minute read 1,898 views
Powys councillors concerned at cancelled planning meetings which are doing a 'disservice' to applicants.
Powys County Councillors Elwyn Vaughan and Heulwen Hulme have raised their concerns at the frequent cancellations of planning committee meetings at the county council.
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In a question to the Head of Property, Planning and Public Protection, they ask why these meetings have been cancelled and further meetings postponed.
In their question, they raise the backlog of planning applications and ask why the county council is 'doing a disservice' to applicants.
The question was raised under the 'Questions At Any Time' procedure which allows councillors to ask questions to Cabinet Members and Heads of Service. A response must be provided within 10 working days of submission, i.e 22nd September 2022.
The full question is reproduced below.
"Please can the Head of Service advise why planning committee meetings have been cancelled on 8.9.22 and a further one postponed 29.9.22 to 5.10.22."
"We are all aware of the enormous backlog of planning applications within the system and I know of one now over 2 years old. Many applications involve substantial investment by the applicant and with rising building costs it is unacceptable that delays are incurred by the service. We are also doing a disservice to the applicant and giving this authority a bad name. New members are also being disadvantaged by the lack of frequent meetings. How are they meant to gain valuable and necessary experience when determining more complexed planning applications. We are operating in “business as usual” and we urge you to re-instate the next scheduled planning meeting 29.9.22. If the Chair is not available then the Vice Chair should take the chair."
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