Cllr Peter Lewington
Cllr Peter Lewington is a town councillor in Newtown & Llanllwchaiarn. He is affliated with the Conservative party and represents the Newtown Llanllwchaiarn West ward. They were elected to the town council.
Cllr Peter Lewington is also a county councillor. You can view their profile for their county councillor activities here.
General Information
Cllr Peter Lewington occupies the offices of Mayor, Vice Chair Economy & Environment, Chair Strategy & Corporate Projects, Vice Chair Resources.
He is a member of the Economy and Environment, Strategy & Corporate Projects, Resources committee(s).
His attendance for the previous year (23/24) was 100%.
Significant Votes
You can view voting record for Cllr Peter Lewington on significant votes below.
Date | Description | Vote |
16/01/24 | Set the 24/25 Budget incl 11% rise in Council Tax Precept | For |
Payments & Expenses
Cllr Peter Lewington is entitled to payments at levels determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales though they may choose to opt out of all or some of the payments. New reporting procedures means that the full total claimed by councillors can no longer be viewed by the public.
Town councillors in Newtown also recieve £30 per meeting they attend as an attendance allowance.
During the 23/24 financial year, they recieved at least £1,796.67 (22/23: £1,320.00).
You can contact Cllr Peter Lewington using the below details:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone:
View full profile on newtown.org »
Below you can view a list of all the news stories we've published containing Cllr Peter Lewington.

Committee ask about legal position on contractor losses
The exact legal position of whether Powys County Council should pay compensation or not to sub-contractors who lost out when a developer of a council housing project in Newtown went bust – has been asked for by a committee.
11 months ago Elgan Hearn
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