Town councillors consider new apartments application
Town Councillors have supported a planning application to convert the front two floors of the iconic Bear Lanes from offices into 5 residential apartments and offices.
10 months ago 1 minute read 2,712 views
Photo: The proposed front elevations, showing no alteration to the existing frontage of Bear Lanes (Base Architecture & Design Ltd)
Town Councillors have supported a planning application to convert the front two floors of the iconic Bear Lanes from offices into 5 residential apartments and offices.
At their meeting of the Economy & Environment Committee, held on Tuesday 7th May 2024, town councillors discussed an planning application from Mr Kaz Dhesi of Dunsmore Estates Ltd, who is proposing to convert offices at the front of Bear Lanes into 5 residential apartments and offices.
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The application does not seek to alter the existing retail spaces within Bear Lanes Shopping Centre, or the frontage of the building.
As stated in the application, "the proposal would change the majority of the vacant Class E offices into 5 no. Class C3 apartments. A portion of office space is to remain as Class E to allow for continued management of Bear Lanes Shopping Centre."
The plans seek to create three two bed residential apartments and two one bed residential apartments.
In the meeting, town councillors supported the application.
The Town Council is a statutory consultee and submits comments to Powys County Council's Planning Department and does not make the final decision. The final decision will be made by Powys County Council at either their Planning Committee or delegated to officers.
The application can be viewed online here and using reference '24/0502/FUL'. Comments can be submitted via the Planning Portal.
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