POWYS: Recycling centre motions

Motions that call for the implementation of recycling centre booking system and charges for dumping rubbish to be put “on hold” have been tabled, but no decision to allow them to go before councillors has been made yet.

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By Elgan Hearn
Local Democracy Reporter

Motions that call for the implementation of recycling centre booking system and charges for dumping rubbish to be put “on hold” have been tabled, but no decision to allow them to go before councillors has been made yet.

Both the Powys Independents group and Conservatives had tabled separate “urgent” motions on the issue and wanted to see them debated at a meeting of the county council on Thursday, March 6.

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It was revealed in January that Powys council has signed a seven-year deal with Northern Ireland firm, Bryson Recycling to run four of the five recycling centres in the county from April.

Potters Group will continue to run the site in Welshpool.

The new booking system is set to go live from March 25 and the charges for dumping waste to come into force from April 1.

Powys Independents group leader, Cllr Beverley Baynham said: “The motion is urgent and should be taken at the meeting.

“These changes will create unnecessary difficulties and a further financial burden for Powys residents.

“There are concerns that the introduction of booking slots will lead to an increase in fly tipping that will put an extra burden on the already stretched budget.”

Cllr Baynham believes that “new evidence” is now available and should be reviewed by the Liberal Democrat/Labour cabinet.

Cllr Baynham explained: “Our neighbours in Shropshire council introduced a booking system last November and recently abandoned it due to it being unsuccessful.

“We would like to request the cabinet place the introduction of this new system on hold whilst further scrutiny of the issues faced in Shropshire can be investigated and further consideration given to whether this new system is necessary.”

Powys Independents group member and the council’s anti-poverty champion, Cllr Joy Jones set up a petition to: “abolish the tip booking system and additional charges” a couple of weeks ago. which has already received 4,072 signatures.

At a full council meeting last month, discussion of the booking system and charges was curtailed due to the decision to implement them being part of the 2024/2025 budget decision in February 2024.

The Conservative group’s Cllr Amanda Jenner who tabled their urgent motion, said: “Since the scrapping of a similar system in Shropshire, it is clear that residents here in Powys have significant concerns about the problems the introduction of a booking system will cause here.”

The agenda for the meeting was published last Friday morning ahead of the meeting.

The decision on the notices of motion is in the hands of council chairman, Conservative Cllr Jonathan Wilkinson.

A council spokesman said “The chair has not yet made his decision regarding the notices of motion.

“A supplementary agenda will be published if they are allowed.”

The implementation of the scheme has been defended by cabinet member for highways, transport and recycling, Liberal Democrat Cllr Jackie Charlton.

Cllr Charlton said: “The charges have not been introduced to make a profit and have been kept as low as possible.”

“The alternative would have been to either reduce the opening days and hours at the sites or potentially even close one of them, to realise the savings and stay within budget.”

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