How did your county councillor vote?
Find out the full results for each vote taken yesterday on passing the budget for 2023-2024.
2 years ago 1 minute read 2,306 views
Find out the full results for each vote taken yesterday on passing the budget for 2023-2024.
As we reported earlier, residents will now be feeling the brunt Council Tax increases in Powys after the proposed 5% increase was agreed by councillors.
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A series of votes was taken to reach this, with each item being broken down into a vote. We've compiled a list of Newtown county councillors and their voting results. You can view the voting results for each item below:
County Councillor Joy Jones (Newtown East - Non-Aligned) voted either Against or Abstain on all the budget items.
County Councillor Peter Lewington (Newtown West - Conversative) voted Against on all the budget items.
County Councillor David Selby (Newtown Central & South - Liberal Democrat) voted For on all the budget items.
County Councillor Kelly Healy (Newtown Central & South - Liberal Democrat) voted For on all the budget items.
County Councillor Adam Kennerly (Newtown North - Liberal Democrat) voted For on all the budget items.
- Agree the Medium Term Financial Strategy - 42 votes for / 14 against / 4 abstained
- Agree the Revenue Budget with 5% Council Tax increase - 41 votes for / 17 against / 2 abstained
- Agree the Fees and Charges - 43 votes for / 14 against / 3 abstained
- Agree the other items - 45 votes for / 12 against / 4 abstained
Voting results courtesy of
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