Two local providers get 'good' Estyn reports
Hope Day Nursery got a 'good' and Derw Bach got an 'excellent' Estyn inspection when they were inspected last November.
11 months ago 1 minute read 2,398 viewsHope Day Nursery got a 'good' and Derw Bach got an 'excellent' Estyn inspection when they were inspected last November.
Two popular full day care nursery settings in Newtown have recieved a good Estyn inspection when they were recently inspected in November.
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Derw Bach, which is attached to Ysgol Calon y Dderwen, who provides care for up to 32, 3 to 5 year olds got an 'excellent' rating in all categories.
The report praised children for being confident, maturity and 'highly motivated'. The quality of care was rated as excellent. The report said:
"Practitioners are caring, supportive and committed. They have the children’s needs and well-being at the heart of everything they do. They fully understand and
implement positive and highly effective policies, procedures and routines to ensure that children are safe. The setting’s arrangements for safeguarding children meet the requirements and pose no cause for concern. Practitioners have current first aid certificates, which ensures that minor accidents can be dealt with appropriately. All records of accidents and incidents are recorded effectively and shared with parents."
This was Derw Bach's first Estyn inspection.
Hope Day Nursery, which is attached to Hope Church, provides care for up to 49 children between 3 months and five years old. They got a 'good' rating in all categories.
The report went on to praise children for forming close friendships and developing their personal and social skills appropriately. The quality of care is good and "practitioners have a thorough understanding of their health and safety responsibilities. The setting has comprehensive policies and procedures in place and practitioners implement them consistently."
"Practitioners develop close relationships with children and treat them with care and respect."
This was also the first Estyn inspection for Hope Day Nursery.
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