Young traders market a success

Newtown's Tuesday Market welcomed a fresh range of goods including hand-dyed wool products, resin homeware, home-baked cakes, and art prints as part of the Young Traders Market on April 11th.

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Newtown's Tuesday Market welcomed a fresh range of goods including hand-dyed wool products, resin homeware, home-baked cakes, and art prints as part of the Young Traders Market on April 11th.

The initiative is part of the nationwide Young Traders Market 2023 campaign aimed at encouraging 16- to 30-year-olds to bring their retail ideas to local markets.

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Sponsored by Robert Owen Community Banking, the event gave young talents a chance to have a free market stall for the day, nurturing them with a route into retail. The event served as a precursor to the regional final of the North Wales Young Traders Market, set to take place on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023, before the national final in August at Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire.

Mayor of Newtown, Cllr John Byrne said:

"Newtown's Tuesday Market has a special place in many people's minds and a regular stop on their shopping trips.  We are delighted to see all traders - many who have been coming for years - and we congratulate them and welcome new ones.

Can I extend an extra welcome to our young market traders who may play a big part in the future of the market.  Well done to them; please make them welcome in the best way that customers can."

The town council, which has the power to operate a market under the Food Act 1984, operates Newtown's market under the town's charter, which was granted by Edward I in 1279/1280. The charter provides Newtown with the right to hold a market, and that no other market can be held within six and two-thirds miles.

The council hopes that the young trader’s initiative will encourage more young traders to book a permanent market stall for further trading in Newtown and enhance the offering of the current charter market.

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