Good news for Croesawdy as councillors are expected to refuse demolition due to a lack of information
County Councillors are expected to refuse a request to demolish Croesawdy in Newtown due to a lack of information.
2 years ago 1 minute read 2,416 viewsCounty Councillors are expected to refuse a request to demolish Croesawdy in Newtown due to a lack of information.
At the Powys County Council Planning, Taxi Licensing & Rights of Way Committee, which is due to meet on Thursday 18th August 2022 to discuss a planning application which we've previously reported on, to demolish Croesawdy, which is located on New Road in Newtown.
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The application has been "called in" by Cllr Joy Jones, the County Councillor for Newtown East. In her submission to the committee, she said:
"This building is a huge part of Newtown history. Newtown has lost many of it historic buildings over the years and with the resent collapse and demolition of the chapel peoples feeling are running high and want to see the history of the town persevered"
"The building is full character and is a important part of Newtown for the last 140 years"
"The town is in an uproar over the removal of this building and as such it needs to be called in as it would be a big loss to the history town and the area and how the town will look."
Powys County Council's Built Heritage Officer, in their submission to the committee said:
"The property is to be inspected by Cadw to consider for listing on the 17th August"
"The property is a prominent feature of the street entering into Newtown via New Road. It is an example of high-end Victorian design, of the Aesthetic movement. It is integral to the history and development of Newtown in the late 19th century. "
A report to the committee stated that 15 public representations had been made to the planning authority. The Town Council is due to make it's comments at it's special meeting held on Tuesday 16th August 2022.
The case officer, Rhian Griffiths has recommended that the application be refused and further information is required to assess any impact on neighbouring properties and further information relating to the restoration of the site.
This however, is not the end of the story, with the applicant being able to apply for full planning permission to carry out the demolition if the recommendation from officers is agreed too.
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